Left to right:
“Art Sense” — 9′ mixed-media mural, created with children who have mental challenges as well as hearing and visual impairments. Combined effort of Rik Fryer, Harrison Hober, Mary Kate McKinley, Pat Shawe, Diana Stevenson, Alexander Trotty, Terre Walton, along with 200 art student participants from Brandywine H.S. Honor Society; The Davidson School Primary, Middle and Secondary classes; Elwyn, Inc., Therapeutic and Recreation Departments; Holy Rosary, Jr. Art Society; and National A.R.T.S. Center Art Honor Society.
“Sarajevo Diary” — 2 screens with photos and Stories by children who survived the war in Bosnia, 1992-1995, coordinated by Geoffrey White, Ph.D.
“Journey Into Healing” (detail below) — 8′ circle mural, a tapestry of many thoughts and emotions combined into a piece of beautiful art. To create this mural, Marietta Dantonio, SAF’s Outreach Coordinator, collaborated with the National Art Honor Society of the National Art Center, The National Junior Art Society of Holary Rosary School, and with teenagers who are survivors are sexual abuse.

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