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The Survivor


Official Newsletter of Survivors Art Foundation

2009: Breast Cancer Awareness Month


A Note from our Founder: Candy Brokaw


Every year in October free mammograms are offered.
Every year in October reminders go around to do those self exams, and to get
those mammograms. Every October women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Every
October women struggle through the disease and through treatments. Many emerge
from the battle not unscathed but alive. Some women do not have such
luck.  Ear marking October is a start but consciousness regarding breast
cancer must be raised all year long.  Please take the time to care of your
body or encourage those you love to take care of themselves. Early Detection is
the key to this disease. To remember those we have lost. To celebrate those
that have survived we must work together to make sure that we are vigilant all
year long!


I would also like to thank everyone that submitted
work to the fantastic 4th Annual Outsider Art in the Hamptons
Exhibit.  The exhibit was a huge success and my only regret is that we
were unable to include all of the work that was submitted.


In this issue:


Meet: The Fountain Gallery

Meet: Pure Vision Arts

Announcing The5th Annual Outsider Art in the Hamptons

Announcing A New SAF Exhibit: The Body Distorted

Useful Links

Artistic Opportunities


Meet: The Fountain Gallery

Fountain Gallery is the premier venue in New York
representing artists with mental illness.
The Gallery exhibits work by trained and self-taught artists and
collaborates with a wide network of artists, curators, and cultural
institutions, providing a platform for exchange and public dialogue. Find out
more at


Meet: Pure Vision Arts

Pure Vision Arts is a studio and exhibition space located in New York City for artists with autism
and other developmental challenges.  Find out more at


Announcing The5th Annual Outsider Art in
the Hamptons Exhibit


The Survivors Art Foundation is seeking submissions for the 5th Annual
Outsider Art in the Hamptons Exhibit. 

Only self-taught artists will be accepted.

Please send JPG’s ONLY to [email protected]

In this economic climate we want to support our members so there is no
charge for entry.

Submissions will only be accepted by email only for this exhibit. (DO
NOT send slides or discs)


Deadline: March 2010


 Announcing A New SAF Exhibit: The Body Distorted


SAF is currently putting together a new groundbreaking
installation.  We are accepting art from all trained and untrained
artists. The Body Distortions Exhibit will display art with a special emphasis
on drawing attention to the distorted ways people and the media see our bodies.
For example, the ways men and women distort themselves with procedures like
plastic surgery, classic distortions like Chinese foot binding, and other ways
we distort ourselves like by becoming anorexic.


Please send JPG’s ONLY to [email protected]

In this economic climate we want to support our members so there is no
charge for entry.

Submissions will only be accepted by email only for this exhibit. (DO
NOT send slides or discs)


Deadline:  Dec 31, 2009



Useful Links & Resources


The International Society for the Study of
Trauma and Dissociation is an international, non-profit, professional
association organized to develop and promote comprehensive, clinically
effective and empirically based resources and responses to trauma and dissociation
and to address its relevance to other theoretical constructs.


The Society for Photographic Education


This society is a non-profit membership organization that provides a
forum for the discussion of photography-related media as a means of creative
expression and cultural insight. Through its interdisciplinary programs,
services and publications, the society seeks to promote a broader understanding
of the medium in all its forms, and to foster the development of its practice, teaching,
scholarship and criticism.


National Mental Health Association


 Sidran Foundation, American Art


Art Therapists Association


Fountain House


Very Special Arts


The Poetry Kit


Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, Prints,
New Media, Photography, Installation, Performancene Arts, Painting, Sculpture,
Prints, New Media, Photography, Installation, Performance