“Flight to Freedom”Kosovo Outreach Program
Fort Dix, New Jersey
June 1999SAF conducted an Art Out-Reach Program with the
Kosovo refugees, at Fort Dix, NJ, the last week in June 1999. The project was collaboration
with Survivors Art Foundation, the United States Army Arts and Crafts Department,
the Department of Human Services and The American Red Cross.The theme of the piece is “Flight to Freedom,” said SAF Outreach Project
Coordinator, Marieitta Dantonio. She designed an Inter-Active Art Project for Kosovo
refugees and US soldiers to work on together. SAF worked with different age groups
of refugees ranging from small children to adults. The experience was joyful and
unforgettable for all involved. The entire event produced 38 circular children’s
pieces of art, and 10 enormous silk masterpieces created by adults.The Kosovo refugees were each given a Polaroid snapshot of themselves and their completed
artwork. This was the first time that many of the children had ever seen an instant
photograph of themselves, and were delighted with the gift.The Kosovo Refugee artwork will tour regionally with other Survivors Art Foundation
Multi-Media Art Exhibitions.Graphics were made possible by the generous support
of the Epson America
Corporation.Please click on the poster to view more …
Below: Poster designed and printed
Pine Barrens Printing
Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY
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