Welcome to this discussion board! This document gives you the basic knowledge that you need to use this board effectively. If you experience any difficulties with the board, contact one of the moderators listed under the Contact link from the Main Menu.
- Reading Discussions
- Contributing to Discussions
- Searching the Board
- Getting an Account
- Where to get further information
- Rules and “Netiquette”
Reading Discussions
Anyone with WWW access can read discussions on this board. To read discussions, navigate to the discussion of interest by single clicking on the links from the list of topics and subtopics. You can navigate backwards using the navigation bars at the top of each page.
Contributing to Discussions
To post a message to an existing discussion, fill in the “Add a Message” box at the bottom of the page. You may use formatting codes or basic HTML tags to improve the appearance of your post. At the discretion of the moderators, the discussion may allow public posting or may require a user account (username and password). Follow the instructions on the form to supply the necessary credentials for posting.
Where available, you may click on a “Create New Conversation” button to start a new discussion. This will add a subtopic with the subject you specify and start a conversation with the initial message that you specify. After filling in the subject line, post a message as described above.
Searching the Board
This discussion board can be searched by time of post (New Messages search) or by matching text (Keyword Search). Each of these searching mechanisms provide convenient methods to locate discussions of interest.
To search for new messages, click the New Messages link from the Main Menu. If you have an account with a valid username and password, fill in your username and password in the appropriate boxes to search for messages since your last check. If you do not have an account, you can still search for new messages posted since a given date. The Last Day and Last Week options on the Main Menu are equivalent to searching for messages posted within the last day and messages posted within the last seven days, respectively.
To search the board by keywords, click the Keyword Search link from the Main Menu. You can then specify the words that will be used in the search. Additional instructions for using the Keyword Search option are displayed on the search screen itself.
When you have performed the search, click on any of the links to the pages to view the page, or click on a link in the result to go to the post where that text occurs.
Getting an Account
Having a user account on this discussion board gives the following benefits:
- Ability to specify your full name and e-mail address to be included on your post
- Ability to enable e-mail notification of all posts to topics you select
- Ability to change your own password
- In some versions, the ability to specify miscellaneous preferences for operation of the board, and to give more information about yourself that others can view
To get a user account, first click the Edit Profile link from the Main Menu of this board and see if “Instant Registration” is available. If not, e-mail one of the moderators listed on the Contact page and request a user account. Be sure to include your e-mail address, full name, and desired username if you e-mail a moderator.
Where to get further information
For additional information on using this system, read the Formatting document and the Troubleshooting document, available from the Main Menu. If you have additional questions or concerns, post them to an appropriate area on the discussion forum, or contact one of the moderators or the board administrator from the Contact page.
Rules and “Netiquette”
When writing your messages, please use the same courtesy that you would show when speaking face-to-face with someone. Flames, insults, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. It’s fine to disagree strongly with opinions, ideas, and facts, but always with respect for the other person. Great minds do not always think alike, and that’s where the fun is! Also, note that messages express the thoughts of the writers, not the board or its moderators.
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