Survivor’s Art Foundation | Sculpture 3

Survivors Art Foundation

Sculpture 3

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Dan Rhema
[email protected]
Dan came to be a visionary artist through a near death experience caused by his contracting Dengue Fever (also known as Break Bone Fever) and Spinal Meningitis while working in Mexico. You may read more about Dan and view selected pieces of his art at Dan’s near death experience and subsequent creative healing art has brought forth a unique collaboration of Louisville playwrights, poets, actors, video producers, and dancers. “A Quest For Healing,” a monologue, poetry reading, and dance program performed in the midst of Dan’s visionary art, has been presented three times in the past year. The documentary “Altered Visions: the Dan Rhema Story,” was shown at the Louisville Film Festival in November, 1997, coinciding with a solo art show at Artswatch Gallery. A brief synopsis of the film can be found at
In 1999, the Bunbury Theatre will present a production of a work based on Dan’s near death experience and his new life as a visionary artist. Please check out the April Raw Vision International Gallery and Studio Directory for the new Dan Rhema Studio listing. Dan is currently the featured artist on the 2001 fund web site at Take the time to read about David Kremples and his work with the 2001 Fund. There is also a link to Dan’s site on the Outsider’s Pages at You can read a feature article about Dan in Louisville Magazine at Dan will be featured on the marketplace at Phyllis Atwater’s site on Near Death Experiences. Phyllis is the author of “Beyond the Light,” and is an international speaker on Near Death issues.
Dan’s work can be viewed in person at the Dan Rhema Studio, the Chapman Gallery at Science Hill located at 525 Washington St., Shelbyville, KY: phone 502-633-0204 and at the Louisville Visual Art Association Gallery in the Galleria: phone 502-581-1445.
Two other sites carrying Dan’s art or links to him are: The Mining Company and The Kentucky Brain
Injury Association at You can contact Dan at 502-637-7444, email dr[email protected] or mail at 212 W. Ormsby Ave. Louisville, KY 40203.
See also his
visual art.



wild thorn vines
20″ x 29″ x 4″ deep


Night Visitor

mixed media
20″ x 11″ x 2″ deep


Kenya Remembered

mixed media
34″ x 11-1/2″ x 2-1/2″ deep



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